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?, Adas
A former sergeant in the Polish Army who escaped with the survivor Rajgrodzki after the uprising. See FREIDMAN, Adolf. |
?, Abraham
Only known as "Little Abraham". |
Educated in Korczak's orphanage. She worked there and was deported to Treblinka, together with Korczak's staff and children. Source: GFH |
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?, Adasch
A foreman and Zelo Block's colleague. |
?, Adrian
Part of the camouflage team. Glazar recalls him: "Also known as Dr Adrian (doctor of speculation sciences!), and it is impossible to imagine this unit of camouflage cons without him. Yesterday afternoon he got twenty-five lashes across his backside from Shorty, and a few across the face with the handle of the whip." |
27 years old. A medical student. Birth: 24 July 1916. Deportation transport Bg (12 September 1942 from Praha to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). Glazar recalls him: "It was Robert who was the "psychological" planner, who would explain the Nazis' psychology to us; he who advised us when to lie low and when to make ourselves noticed. He had an unfailing instinct for what was the right approach, and when. Still alive at the time of the revolt and in all probability died in the course of it." (Glazar, Sereny) |
Director of the Jewish Gymnasium in Czestochowa before the war. During the Nazi occupation he was member of the Judenrat in the Czestochowa ghetto, responsible for the organisation of the Jewish police. In the ghetto he wrote a diary. Shortly before his deportation his writings (4 volumes) were hid in the ghetto. After the war nothing was found. He was deported to Treblinka on 4 October 1942, together with other members of the Czestochowa Judenrat and Jewish policemen. |
In 1979 still living in Sweden. He remarks about August Miete: "He was all over like shadow, the "Angel of Death". Cold bloodedly he would select his victims and finish them off at the Lazarett! One could see him return with a contented look on his face." |
Kapo of the Gold Jews commando. |
BACHNER, Lilly and Kurt
Residents of the Terezin Ghetto (Theresienstadt), who were sent to Treblinka. They were deported on Transport BT - 687 in 1942. |
BACK, Eugen / Evzen
Birth: 26 November 1917. Deportation transport X (12 February 1942 from Praha to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). |
BART, David
Worked in the sorting barrack with Glazar. Glazar recalls him: "Bart", said once, "you must survive; it is more important than that we should", but there were very few of us." (Sereny) |
Dr. BECK, ?
A prisoner doctor assigned to the infirmary in the "Ghetto" barracks. |
?, Beniek
Only known as Beniek, the little camp man. |
Businessman from Czechoslovakia. Moved to Kielce early in WW2. Together with his wife and son he was deported to Treblinka in July, 1942. His wife and son were killed on the first day. In September 1942 Berger escaped together with a young boy, both hidden beneath a pile of prisoners' clothings being shipped to Germany. Arrested again in July 1943, he was taken to Buchenwald concentration camp where he survived the war. Berger recalls: "The work was supervised by SS men who held a pistol or truncheon in one hand, a whiskey bottle in the other. Even now my memory stands aghast at the picture of little children seized by their feet and dashed against tree trunks." |
BERKOWICZ, Yechiel / Jechiel
With Abraham Bomba and Yechezkel Cooperman prepared a "bunker" in the piles of clothing in the sorting yard and escaped at night. |
A worker from Czestochowa. One of the men in the undressing barracks detachment, who knew Strawzcynski, saved him and got him to work as a tinsmith. |
A citizen of Argentina, who stabbed the SS man Max Biala to death on 10 September 1942, an act of especially great courage. It was a planned and premeditated deed of Meir. |
BERNSTEIN, Siegfried
Born on 27 May 1888. A musician from Cottbus (Germany). In April 1942 he was deported to the Warsaw ghetto and from there to Treblinka. Source: JewishGen |
The journalist cooperated with the biggest daily newspapers in Poland "Hajnt" and "Moment". He was literature reviewer and author of the biographic studies about famous Jewish writers. In the Warsaw ghetto he cooperated with Ringelblum's archive. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
Birth: 28 May 1923. Deportation transport AAg (30 June 1942 from Olomouc to Terezin), and Bu 147 (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). |
No details available. |
BLAU, Adele
Born on 18 February 1888 in Vienna. Deported from Kielce on 19 February 1941, together with her husband Karl. She committed suicide in 1943. She was the wife of Kapo Blau. |
BLAU, Alexander and wife
Alexander Blau was born on 4 January 1866. He was deported from Vienna to Terezin (Theresienstadt), from where he was sent to death (probably together with his wife) in Treblinka on 14 July 1942. Stangl, the camp commandant, had known them in Austria and they were taken during arrival out of line. They became cooks in the lower camp, then transferred to the extermination area. "He was feared and hated because of collaboration. He didn't just carry an ordinary whip - he had one of the long ones and he'd stand there swinging it and shouting. He behaved as if he wanted to outdo the worst of the Ukrainians. After the revolt they were amongst the hundred or so who were left over, and who were evacuated to Sobibor." (Suchomel, Sereny) |
BLAU, Karl
Born on 15 February 1892 in Vienna. Deported from Kielce on 19 February 1941, together with his wife Adele. Blau was Kapo and informer, appointed by Stangl. Blau was the only husband and wife partnership in Treblinka. The couple committed suicide after the revolt. |
Jewish artist who perished in the Holocaust. He was born in Warsaw in 1894 and killed in Treblinka in 1942. |
BLOCH, Zelomir ("Zelo") / Zialo?
A photographer from Slovakia, who was brought to Treblinka on a transport from the Polish town of Deblin, to which he was deported from his native Slovak town of Presov. Bloch was a former lieutenant of the Czech Army. At Treblinka he headed the work team at the sorting square and was one of the first members of the underground team. He was an energetic man with leadership qualities and was to handle the military aspects of the organisation. The contribution of this highly educated military man substantially facilitated the realization of this difficult and complex undertaking. He was transferred to the extermination site where he became the uprising commander of that area. He fought like a hero but died in the revolt. Glazar remembers him as "a real leader". |
BODNIK, Efraam
From Novy Dwor and brother of Leibish, one of four people working earlier on in the smithy. |
BODNIK, Leibish
From Novy Dwor and brother of Efraam, one of the four people working earlier on in the smithy. |
BOEHM, Alfred
From Czestochowa. |
Friend of Willenberg who looked after him in the whilst suffering from wounds inflicted through lashings from the SS. |
BOMBA, Abraham L.
Worked in the barber team. With Yechiel Berkowicz and Yechezkel Cooperman prepared a "bunker" in the piles of clothing in the sorting yard and escaped at night. He received help from a few farmers and reached Warsaw. From there he went to Czestochowa and was able to remain hidden until the liberation of Poland. He recalls the duties of the Gold Jews: "In front of the entrance to the "beauty salon" were the quarters of the so-called Goldjuden. There, each woman was ordered to lie down on a special examining table. They had to take off all their clothing, and their vaginas were searched. After this inspection the women were led, single file, into the "beauty salon", where their hair was clipped off close to the scalp by the barbers, who used small scissors for the work." |
He escaped from Treblinka (end of July) by hiding in bales of clothing, which were in the transport train. He jumped later from the truck to freedom together with Simcha Laski. |
BORAKS, Gustav
Born in 1901. "Barber" at Treblinka, later a barber in Israel. He recalls the "barber shop": "The barber shop was located in the barrack where the women had to undress. There were five benches and twenty barbers. The women disrobed in one room, stepped in through a door, had their hair cut off and then stepped out through another door into the gas chamber. We had one minute to grab the hair, make one single snip with the scissors, and that was that." Photo: GFH |
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BORAKS, Edek - Eliyahu
Member of the Jewish underground in the Vilnius and Bialystok ghettos. He was born in Kalisz in 1918. Member of the Ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir youth movement and joined a hachshara (Zionist pioneering training programme). At the outbreak of the war, he was drafted and served in the Polish Army. In 1940 he arrived in Vilnius. He was on the main steering committee of Ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir from 1941. In December 1941 he went to Warsaw, then returned to Vilnius and was active in the ZOB, a Jewish fighting organisation. In February 1943 he commanded a combat unit. He was caught by the Germans and deported to Treblinka. Photo: GFH |
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A Jewish artist who perished in the Holocaust. He was born in Tomaszow in 1919, and died in Treblinka in 1942. |
BRAT, David
No details available |
BRENNER, Henoch /Hejnoch
He was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. In 1979 still living in the USA. He recalls the deportation in the train: "The transport consisted of 60 boxcars. In each car there were from 100 to 200 persons. Men, women, children - everybody went together. We travelled for 48 hours and one night, and all this time we did not receive one single drop of water." |
Born on 22 October 1889. Merchant in Cottbus (Germany). In April 1942, together with his family, he was deported to the Warsaw ghetto and from there to Treblinka. Source: JewishGen |
BRESLAUER nee Pakulla, Lotte
Born on 13 July 1897. The wife of Egon Breslauer. Together with him and her daughter Ursula she was deported to the Warsaw Ghetto in April 1942 and from there to Treblinka. Source: JewishGen |
Born on 9 May 1930 in Cottbus, daughter of Egon and Lotte Breslauer. Deported in April 1942 to the Warsaw ghetto, together with her parents and from there to Treblinka. Source: JewishGen |
No details available. |
?, Broncha
SS-Scharführer Suchomel relates about her: "One morning one of the young Poles who worked under me came, distraught. He said, "Chief, please help me. My sister Broncha has arrived; she is already in the undressing barrack... Please save her!" I went in there and asked which was Broncha. There she was, naked, trembling from head to foot and crying. I said, "Stop trembling. You are a seamstress, are you?" And she - would you believe it, she said, trembling, "no, I can't sew". So I said, "don't be stupid, you are a seamstress; just remember that and I'll get you out". Then I told the barrack commando to hold her back not to let her go into the tube or they'd have to answer to me for it. And I went over to see Stangl and told him that I just didn't have enough workers in my shop - I had to have more. He said Wirth had ordered there was to be no more recruiting. "Everything has to go", he said. But I said I just had to have at least one more girl; so finally he said, "well, in God's name then," and gave me a chit for her - to show Küttner. Anyway, that's how Broncha got out. She survived, you know; she is in Israel." (Sereny) |
No details available |
BUDNIK, brothers
From Nowy Dwor. |
BURG, Hans / Hanus
Born on 19 March 1925. Deportation transport Bg (12 September 1942 from Praha to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). Glazar recalls him: "Among them is sixteen-year-old Hans Burg. He was released yesterday, following his worst day in the sick bay. The bloody foam around his half-opened mouth is being washed away by the blood flowing out of his nose." |
He escaped from Warsaw to Opatow. Arrived in the same transport from Czestochowa as Samuel Willenberg. Lolek Bursztein was gassed in the Upper Camp, the same day. |
No details available. |
BURSZTYN, Gisza Galina
Born probably in 1877 in Pultusk (near Warsaw). Before the war she lived in Warsaw at 47 Mila Street. During the "Great Action" in the Warsaw ghetto (July 1942), she was taken away from a bunker and was deported to Treblinka. Source: USHMM |
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?, Cescha
Glazar recalls: "Cescha, our robust peasant woman, as Hans puts it. She works in the German mess, and the few girls who are here look up to her the same way we looked up to Zelo." Source: Glazar, TWAGF, page 100 |
?, Chaskel
The older cleaning boy, the nefarious Chaskel, also worked in the SS barracks. |
CHEZKEL / Chaskiel, Ye
According to Strawzynski: "Had the position of "official informer", and that was his job in the camp. Not only the prisoners, but even the Kapos and some Germans were afraid of Chaskiel a sleazy creature from the Warsaw underworld, a stupid and conceited youth. All day he would run around in the square and in the workshops like a wild animal in search of pray, peering into every corner. Woe to the one whom he caught with something not "kosher", or cooking or napping on the job! (We dread him more than the Germans.) The matter was sure to be brought to the attention of the administration. He enjoyed the complete confidence of the administration. He was the custodian of the keys to the storehouses and gorged himself on the best of everything. He claimed that the Germans had even promised to take him along to Berlin after the war." (Testimony Strawzynski) |
A journalist, he cooperated with the daily newspaper "Moment". He was specialist about the articles from the Polish Parliament. In the Warsaw Ghetto he helped the other journalists. Deported to Treblinka with his whole family in 1942. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
Dr. CHORAZYCKI, Julian / Ilyia
From Warsaw (or Sadowicz), about age fifty-seven, a former captain in the Polish Army. As a physician he treated the SS and worked in their clinic. He was the central figure of the Treblinka underground being called the "Organizing Committee", before he got killed during one of the attempts to procure weapons. Chorazycki according to Suchomel: "Stangl told me that this physician had been a famous Warsaw internist." In Steiner's book "Treblinka" Dr Chorazycki is described as "the doctor of the Germans". Suchomel said: "Of course, I remember him well; he was a nose and throat specialist. I talked with him many times; my son was physically handicapped you know, and Dr Chorazycki often advised me about him. He was converted Jew, you know. He wore a golden necklace with a cross. He said his Polish colleagues in the hospital in Warsaw had given him away..." (Sereny, p. 206) |
In 1979 still living in Buenos Aires. |
CIECHANOWSKI, Lizer / Lejzer
In 1979 still living in Buenos Aires. |
CIENKI Brothers
Two brothers from Miedzyrzec Podlaski. They were deported from this town to Treblinka during the second "action" on 6 - 9 October 1942, together with about 7,000 other Jews from Miedzyrzec and surroundings. They managed to escape from the camp and returned to Miedzyrzec Podlaski where they informed the Judenrat about Treblinka and the fate of the deportees. The head of the Judenrat informed the Gestapo about them, so they were shot by the Gestapo. Because some of the Miedzyrzec Podlaski Jews had heard their story, some of them decided to jump from the trains in course of the following deportations. Source: The History of Miedzyrzec Podlaski, www.mezritch.org.il |
COMBER, Dr. Lipman
Young Jewish historian, before the war connected with the Jewish Science Institute in Vilna (YIVO). In the Warsaw Ghetto he was the leader of the dormitory for the poor children. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
COOPER, Abraham
Prisoner in the lower camp. |
COOPERMAN, Yechezkel
With Abraham Bomba and Yechiel Berkowicz prepared a "bunker" in the piles of clothing in the sorting yard and escaped at night. |
CUKIER, Aniela
A Jewish artist who perished in the Holocaust. She was born in Warsaw in 1910 and died in Treblinka in 1942. Source: GFH |
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Born 1927. Deported to Treblinka from Warsaw. Worked in the "Zoo". Settled as a trade union clerk in Israel. He recalled the deportation: "I was fifteen years old and very poor. My entire family had died from starvation. I was hungry, so I went to the Umschlagplatz of my own free will so that I might receive the three kilograms of bread and one kilogram of marmalade promised (to those who reported voluntarily). We were placed into cattle cars like so many salted fish. We drank our own sweat and urine. In the camp, I hid out in the barrack. I was small and thin, so the comrades gave me an extra pair of pants (to wear over my own prison clothing) so I would look heavier." Photo: GFH |
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Arrived in Treblinka on 9 September 1942. He was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission of Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. Settled in Caracas, Venezuela. |
No details available. |
?, David
From Stoczek, one of four people working earlier on in the smithy. |
Escaped from Treblinka together with Wladyslaw Salzberg in summer 1942. He was in the Kielce ghetto where he informed the local Judenrat about the death camp. His further fate is not known. Source: K. Urbanski: Kieleccy Zydzi. Kielce |
DOMB, Jakob / Ya'akov
In 1979 he was living in Israel. In Treblinka he drove a wagon to collect trash in the lower camp. While driving near the extermination area on the day of the uprising, he shouted out in Hebrew to prisoners working across the fence in the death camp, "End of the world today, the day of judgment at four o'clock!" |
Willenberg relates: "Hundreds of women went through my station (barbershop before gas chambers) that day. Among them was a very lovely one about twenty years old. Though our acquaintance lasted only a few short minutes, I would not forget her for many long years. Her name was Ruth Dorfmann, she said, and she had just finished matriculation. She was well aware of what awaited her, and kept it no secret from me. Her beautiful eyes displayed neither fear nor agony of any kind, only pain and boundless sadness. How long would she have to suffer? she asked. "Only a few moments", I answered. A heavy stone seemed to roll off her heart, tears welled up in our eyes. I continued cutting her long, silken hair. When I finished, she stood up from the stool and gave me one long, last look, as if saying goodbye to me and to a cruel, merciless world, and set out slowly on her final walk. A few minutes later I heard the racket of the motor which produced the gas and imagined Ruth in the mass of naked bodies, her soul departed." (Willenberg p.65) |
He worked and lived in the same barrack as Samuel Willenberg. |
?, Edek
Glazar relates: "There was the day when Edek arrived - he was a small four-teen-year-old boy. Perhaps he arrived with his family, perhaps alone, I don’t know. When he got off the train and stood on the ramp, all one could see of him was his head and his shoes; in between was the accordion he’d brought, and that was all he brought. An SS saw him and said right away, "Come, come!" and from that day on he played for them. They made a kind of mascot of him. He played everywhere, at all hours, and almost nightly in their mess... It wasn't long after that that they started the fires. We saw them for the first time in December, one night, through the barred window of the barrack. The flames rose high, high above the camp, flames in all colours: red, orange, blue, green, purple. And in the silence of the camp, and the terrible brightness of the flames, one heard nothing except little Edek playing his accordion and the young singer singing Eli Eli. One day little Edek dashed by the door of the munitions depot and shoved a metal fragment into the lock." (Sereny, p.192/3) |
Arrived in earlier transports from Lodz - Czestochowa, who worked in the sorting yard. Inmate Strawzcynski relates about him: "He tries as hard as possible to help me with the work with which I am not yet familiar. They have assigned us to sort a pile of Czech luggage. I open a parcel. In it are underwear, stockings, suits, shoes and various other items. I don’t know where to start. I am still confused by what I have just experienced and I don’t know which pieces belong to which pile: silks, cottons, woollens, etcetera..."Luckily I have Israel nearby. I hand each piece over to him. You have to be fast and keep moving all the time; you must not sit down or rest; you might pay very dearly." |
EISENSTADT, Miriam / Marysia
Born in 1922, daughter of the composer David Eisenstadt. Young Jewish singer in the Warsaw ghetto. She was known as the "Ghetto Nightingale" for her sweet voice. She appeared in cultural programs in the ghetto, singing in Yiddish and Hebrew. In the autumn of 1942, she was shot to death on the Umschlagplatz, on the loading platform of the train to Treblinka which her parents had boarded. Her story is told in the books of Jonas Turkow (in Hebrew) on the Warsaw ghetto. Source: GFH Photo: GFH |
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Escaped from Treblinka with Moshe Rappaport, January 1943. In 1979 living in Israel. He recalls about Kurt Franz: "Franz said to one of the inmates: "Let’s have a boxing match." The latter had been a professional prizefighter in Krakow. The boxing gloves were put on the prisoner’s hands. Franz had only one glove on his right hand. A little gun was concealed in that glove. "Start!" the SS man commanded. He moved toward the young prisoner, pretending that he was about to start the match, and fired straight into his face. The poor fellow collapsed and died on the spot." (Donat, p.286) |
A tinsmith from Czestochowa whom Strawczynski brought into his workshop to help him. |
EPSTEIN, Pinchas
Born 1925. In 1979 still living in Israel. "I was deported from Czestochowa on 22 September 1942. I was then 18 years old. For eleven months I carried corpses in Camp no. 2.... After the revolt I escaped (and returned) to my home town, got myself Aryan papers and enrolled as a gentile for work in Germany. I arrived in Israel in July 1948." (Donat, p.286) Photo: GFH |
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Glazar recalls how Moshe was crying and could not forgive himself for remaining alive while his wife and son had died. |
In 1979 still a butcher in Paris. "I arrived in Treblinka on 22 July 1942. As they chased the victims to the gas chambers, the Ukrainians Ivan and Nicholas cut off the women's breasts with swords." Rojzman described a fellow escapee, Leon, who's wife lived in Warsaw who was a gentile and who would bring him clothes and perhaps false papers. After the revolt Leon went to man in the forest and bribed him to fetch his wife in Warsaw. He did bring back Leon’s wife who had the suit, hat and papers for him. They went away by themselves. (Sereny p.2 42) He was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. |
Born in 1890 in Sandomierz. A painter who lived in Lodz, from where he was deported to Treblinka. There he perished in 1942. |
From the Wisznice ghetto. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: USHMM |
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A prisoner in his thirties, from Lodz, also later joined the Treblinka underground team called the "Organizing Committee". Several testimonies place him in Palestine and the Foreign Legion before the war. In Treblinka he headed a work team at the Sorting Square. He and his underground companion Zialo Bloch were transferred to the extermination area where he was the foreman of the body-burning group. He killed a Ukrainian guard on the ramp. |
FREUND, Hans / Hanus / "Honza"
Born on 18 March 1907. Deportation transport AAe (20 June 1942 from Praha to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). He had worked in textiles in Prague. Still alive at the time of the revolt in all probability he died in the course of it. Glazar about him: "My God, we’re no longer human. I can’t even believe in myself anymore, and all I can see is my old lady and my son over there on the other side (killed in the death camp) - my little curly-headed son. When he was a tiny baby he had such delicate little cheeks, especially after his bath. We waved to each other when they separated us at the disrobing site. He stood there next to his mama and waved. You could see he was starting to get cold after leaving the train cars, where we had been warmed through. I was hoping that he wouldn’t catch cold." (Glazar, p.82) |
FREY, Pawel
Birth: 27 July 1913. Deportation transport Ao (28 April 1942 from Praha to Terezin), and Bu 182 (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). |
A young man called Friedmann came back from Treblinka hidden under rags in the trucks bound for Warsaw. His escape had been carefully arranged so as to have somebody come back to bring the truth and to warn the people in the ghetto. Nobody believed him. It was perfectly extraordinary. Another source tells how this young man besought the ghetto elders to believe him and how finally they said he was overwrought and needed a rest, which they would arrange for him in the ghetto clinic. |
He worked in the past for the Polish radio. Worked in the extermination area, in the kitchen with five others at peeling potatoes. Played the clarinet as member of a small orchestra that played from time to time during the roll calls there. |
FUKS, Chaim
Born in Opoczno (Poland). Son of Natan and Dwora Fuks. Deported to Treblinka where he perished. Source: Yad Vashem |
FÜRST, Willy
Birth: 11 November 1910. Deportation transport Bm (30 September 1942 from Ostrawa to Terezin), and Bu 424 (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). Samuel Rajzman recalls the he worked in the tailor shop under him. Glazar recalls him: "Little Willy from the "Gold Jew" commando was an hotelier from Moravian Ostrów. We learn from Willy that the masters are unusually happy with their take from the Balkan transports. None of the previous transports had brought in such a generous amount of supplies." Suchomel says he was with the Goldjuden: "Willie Fürst was there - he was a hotel owner from Slovakia." (Sereny, p.206) |
Engineer from Nowy Dwor, Ghetto Lodz. Galewski as remembered by fellow prisoner, Marian Platkiewicz: "Once they had reached the forest, Galewski crawled from one fugitive to another, urging them to break away from the surrounding Germans while it was dark, because in the morning they would all die. At night, he said, there was still a slim chance of escape. Another prisoner who was with Galewski during the escape related that after they had covered a few kilometers Galewski felt unable to go on. He took a vial of poison from his pocket, swallowed the contents, and died on the spot." Leon Perelstein, a prisoner who escaped from the camp together with Galewski, relates that after they had gone a few Kilometers, Galewski felt that he did not have the strength to go on. He took some poison out of his pocket, swallowed it and died on the spot. (Arad, p.297) |
GELBERD / GELBARD, Aron / Aharon
In 1979 he was still living in Israel. Was deported to Treblinka from Czestochowa in October 1942 and escaped after 19 days. During that time each day three or four transports arrived in the camp, and some of them even came at night. He writes about how a group of Jews from Czestochowa was saved by prisoners from the same city who happened to be working at Sorting Square in October 1942. After his successful escape on 21 October, being 8 km from Treblinka, Ukrainian farmers caught and stripped him of his outer clothing and left him, but somehow he got back to Czestochowa and remained there until the liquidation of the "Small Ghetto". |
He came from Czestochowa. |
Born in 1885. Writer, author of novels and essays. The biggest number of his novels was written in the Warsaw ghetto. He was deported to Treblinka in 1942. His works were lost in the ghetto. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
The director fo the "Joint" in Poland, member of the Jewish Science Institut in Vilna (YIVO). In the Warsaw ghetto he organized the help for the poor Jews who were resettled from the small towns and was connected with the culture underground organisation "Ikor" and Ringelblum's Archive. He was deported to Treblinka in January 1943. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
Lawyer from Czestochowa, member of the Czestochowa Judenrat. Deported to Treblinka on 4 October 1942. Source: JewishGen |
A musician, voice teacher and conductor of the Bund's Tsukunft youth movement's children's choir during the German occupation. He took part in cultural activities in the Warsaw ghetto and organized choral groups of refugee children. He composed the melody to Itzhak Katznelson's poem, "Yats'a Yehudi le - Rechov" (Hebrew: A Jew Went Out to the Street). He perished in Treblinka. Source: GFH |
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GLAZAR, Richard
Born on 29 November 1920 in Prague. He was accepted at the University of Prague in 1939. Deportation transport Bg (12 September 1942 from Praha to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka) in a passenger train, together with his close friend Karel Unger. Worked in the sorting and camouflage commandos. He participated in the Treblinka uprising and managed to escape. Together with Unger he made his way across Poland to Czechoslovakia, and from there to Mannheim, Germany, where they worked as gentiles in a German factory. After the war, he returned to Prague. After the 1968 revolt in Czechoslovakia he escaped to Switzerland where he became an engineer. He wrote about his life and escape in his book "Trap with a Green Fence". After his wife died he committed suicide in 1998. See this special page! Photo: GFH |
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GODIN, Elka and Shmuel
Victims from Warsaw. No more details known. Grandparents of the former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. |
GOLD, Artur
Composer. Famous warsaw musician Born in 1897 in Warsaw. Son of Michal and Helena Melodist. Studied in London. In 1922 he established a jazz band with his cousin Jerzy Petersbuski, which became very popular. Recorded for "Columbia Records" in Hayes near London. From 1929 performed in famous "Adria" in Warsaw. In 30’s composed popular songs, like "Autumn roses". Lived and worked with his brothers Adam and Henryk, also musicians, at 122 Chmielna St. in Warsaw. In 1940 he was forced to move to the Warsaw ghetto, where he performed in "Nowoczesna". In 1942 he was deported to Treblinka, where he was forced to play for the staff in the camp's club "Casino". (Tomasz Lerski "Syrena Record - Poland’s first recording company, 1904-1939" pp. 637 - 638) He became the conductor of the small camp orchestra. Gold assumed his work energetically. The Germans helped him. Quite a large amount of musical instruments was left in the yard by the Jews when they went to the "showers"... Kurt Franz ordered full dresses made of glossy fabric and bow-ties of colossal size for the orchestra. White suits with blue collars and lapels were sewn in the tailor shop. Gold appeared in a white frock coat with the same decoration, patent leather shoes, pressed pants, and a white shirt. Gold’s groveling in front of the SS men and the special food rations he received - even though he sometimes shared them with the members of the orchestra - did not endear him to the prisoners. Music accompanied the prisoners returning from work and tortured during appels. The trio played joyful pre-war hits and Franz was proud and happy of his idea. "Once he even brought some pre-war gramophone records with Gold’s music" recalls Willenberg, who made a sculpture of Gold's trio. Glazar recalls him: "We all knew that he (Kurt Franz) was interested in music, and someone alerted him to the fact that Arthur Gold, a famous Warsaw musician, had arrived on one of the last transports. Lalka, "the Doll", brought out Gold and gave him the assignment of forming a small orchestra in Treblinka. There were certainly enough musicians here: both of the red-haired Schermanns, the only siblings here, Salwe, the tenor, little Edek with his accordion, and many others." (Glazar, p.117) Gold was murdered in Treblinka in 1943. |
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GOLDBERG, Szymon / Shimon
Born 1914. A Warsaw-born cabinetmaker (also mentioned as being a carpenter from Radomsko) who worked in Camp 2 for four months. He escaped during the uprising and met with survivor Strawczynski in the forest ten months later. He died in 1976. |
Birth: 4 May 1922. Deportation transport AAg (30 June 1942 from Olomouc to Terezin), and Bu 139 (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). |
In 1979 he was still living in Israel. He arrived at the camp on 25 August. He worked in the death camp being part of the few prisoners who worked inside the pits from which the corpses were removed and who were engaged in cleaning the pits of solid human remains and scattering the ashes. They decided to leave some evidence of the Germans’ mass murders. He relates: "... we secretly placed in the walls of the graves whole skeletons and we wrote on scraps of paper what the Germans were doing at Treblinka. We put the scraps of paper into bottles which we placed next to the skeletons. Our intention was that if one day someone looked for traces of the Nazis’ crimes, they could indeed be found." |
Deported to Treblinka, together with her mother Rysia and her grandmother Zina Grinfeld. Source: GFH |
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He arrived in the same transport from Czestochowa as Samuel Willenberg. He was gassed on the day of his arrival. |
No details available |
In 1979 still living in Israel. |
In 1979 still living in Israel. She recalls: "Stern (a fellow inmate) refused to name a comrade who had given us some money. He was killed by Franz." |
As a former soldier, he was called to Rakowski, the "camp elder", who showed him a grenade and asked him whether the grenade was good for action. He found that there was no detonator inside and subsequently the first attempt at a mass revolt was abandoned. |
Kapo of the "blue" group was the son of a scribe. Each evening, at the end of the workday, when all were locked into the barracks, he would stand and pray the Evening Service and end with El Male Racbamim for those who had been killed that day. Then the Jews in the hut would say Kaddish. The SS men would come and stand near the hut and listen to the pleasant voice of Meir and his prayers to the memory of those whom they had killed. (Arad, BST p. 216) Photo: GFH |
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Born in Blonie, Poland. In 1941, he was "relocated" to the Warsaw ghetto with his mother, three younger brothers and a sister. A shoemaker by trade, he was put to work at Schultz’s shop. One day, when he came home from work, he found his apartment empty. His mother, brothers and sister had all been taken away. Soon thereafter, Grinberg himself was deported. In Treblinka he was active in the underground and took part in the uprising. After his escape, he hid out in the little town of Sterdyn, and later joined a partisan unit. After the war he settled in Israel. He was killed in an automobile accident in 1976. He was a witness at the trial of Kurt Franz. When asked on the witness stand, "Do you recognize Kurt Franz?" he replied, "I would shudder even on my deathbed if anyone were to mention the name of Kurt Franz." |
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Became electrician in Israel. No further details. |
GROSS, Yosef
Became a machinist in Israel. No further details. |
Born in 1919 in Warsaw. Deported from the Warsaw ghetto to Treblinka where he perished in July 1942. |
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GRYC, Perl Motek
From Plock. |
From Plock. |
Born in Warsaw in 1919. In July 1942 he was deported from Warsaw ghetto to Treblinka where he spent two weeks. He was witness of the annihilation of the Kielce and Siedlce Jews in Treblinka. In the camp he carried the bodies of the died people from the trains to the mass graves. After two weeks he escaped together with four other prisoners from the train which brought the clothes of the murdered people to Lublin. Back in the Warsaw ghetto he tried to inform the people about Treblinka but most of them didn't believe him. During the Warsaw ghetto uprising he was deported to the Poniatowa work camp. He escaped from the train and spent several months in a hiding place in Warsaw. From Polish friends he got "Aryan" papers and was sent to Vienna, as a Polish forced labourer. In Austria he was liberated. After the war he returned to Warsaw. Source: Testimony of Jozef Gutman. The Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw |
Worked in the German laundry. |
?, Hans-Bert
Joe Siedlecki relates: "Only shortly before, we had taken a friend of mine who was very ill there - to be killed; nobody went there for any other reason. But when we were carrying him, on the stretcher, he asked me and I told him that no, we weren’t taking him to the Lazarett - he was going to the Revier, the sick room. Anyway, when we were pushed in there ourselves, Hansbert, this friend, was still burning in the pit. (Sereny, p.190) |
Born in Zamosc in 1911. In 1932, she moved to Warsaw with her family, and she finished her law studies. During the war, she ran a soup kitchen which served as a meeting place for movement members. She organized educational courses for workers and activity programs for children. Member of the Dror youth movement and the Jewish Fighting Organization in the Warsaw ghetto. On 6 September 1942, late in the "Great Action" (mass deportations), she was arrested and sent to Treblinka on 10 September 1942. She perished there. (Info GFH) Photo: GFH |
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HELMAN, Salomen
From Warsaw. He worked in the "Upper Camp". Source: Kalman Teigman. |
?, Heniek
The younger cleaning boy, Heniek, approximately fifteen years old, worked in the SS barracks. |
HELBER, Melech
From Siedlce. |
Hid amongst corpses to escape the gas chambers. |
Male prisoner in charge of the kitchen in the extermination camp. |
Settled in Israel. He recalls: "Whenever "The Doll" came to the camp we knew there would be at least two dead." |
?, Herschek
In preparation to the uprising- rifles and anything else that shoots are to be handed over immediately to Herschek, he knew how to use them as he served in the military. |
No details available. |
HERSZAFT, Adam / Abraham
A Jewish graphic artist and painter who perished in the Holocaust. Herszaft was born in 1886. He studied art in Warsaw and Paris. His work was displayed at various exhibitions in Warsaw, Lodz and Katowice, beginning in 1907. He was put to death in Treblinka in 1942. Source: GFH |
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Formerly the owner of a cannery in Lodz. Together with Oscar and Zygmunt Strawczynski decided to escape through the roof window of the blacksmith shop but the attempt was aborted. (See escapes) |
HILFERDING, Dr. Margarethe
Born on 20 June 1871. She was the first female member of the "Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung" and an activist of the Social-Democratic Party in Vienna. From Vienna she was deported to Terezin (Theresienstadt). From there she was deported to Treblinka on 27 September 1942. |
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Born about 1912 in Czemierniki (Lublin region). The son of a rabbi from Czemierniki. During the war he was teacher in the orphanage in the Parczew Ghetto (Lublin district). During the deportation in 1942 he and his family hid from the Germans although he had the ID card that he was working for the Judenrat. When he discovered that children from his orphanage were taken to the tranport he left the family and accompanied the children to Treblinka. |
HIRSCH, Walther
A Czech Jew. Composer of the song "Fester Schritt". He died in the revolt. |
IMICH, Jozef Rubin
Born 9 August 1868 in Czestochowa, Poland. Deported from there to Treblinka in October 1942. |
IMICH, Laja Ludwika (nee Kwasner)
Born in Lodz, Poland. Deported from Czestochowa to Treblinka in October 1942. |
?, Itzhok
From Nowy Dwor one of four people working earlier on in the smithy. |
From Stoczek. A quiet and reliable man, who later became the camp’s master-smith. He arrived at Treblinka on 18 June 1942 - a considerable time before the first transports. According to him, the first transport arrived on Tisha B’Av in 1942 (23 July). He participated in digging the first mass grave. At that time there was no bulldozer. Later, as a smith, he was employed in building the "bath". It was all one camp then. The day before the first transport arrived, the division was made between Camp I and Camp II. Survivor Oscar Strawczynski received the information about the arrangements and procedures in Camp II mainly from him. Jablkowski is described as a solid and decent man, with whom Strawczynski worked for many months in the workshop: he as a smith and Strawczynski as a tinsmith. As a skilled tradesman, Jablkowski was sent to Camp I. Hershel later made a beautiful iron decoration, which cost him many hours of effort, which was put on top of Treblinka’s main gate. Before the revolt he spent all day sharpening knives and axes and turning metal files into daggers. (Strawczynski) |
Present whereabouts unknown. He relates: "The Doll" couldn’t sit down to breakfast or dinner without having knocked off at least two Jews." |
?, Janiek
Rajzman relates: "That day, while we were foraging around for food, Janiek (one of the group escapees living in the forest) had been left to guard the shelter, and when we got back we found he had taken it apart searching for money. He didn’t find it. I gave him a good beating." (Sereny, p.243) |
No details available. |
JARECKA, Gustawa
Author novels published in Polish. She translated the world literature into Polish language. In the Warsaw ghetto she was the clerk in the Judenrat and she cooperated with Ringelblum's Archive. She was deported together with her two children to Treblinka on 18 January 1943. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
?, Jazik /Jerzyk
Perhaps from Hungary. He was a soloist and cabaret dancer and added to the camp orchestra. (Strawczynski) |
?, Jitzrock
Known as "Old Jitzrock", who worked in the camouflage unit. |
?, Jojne
Only known as redheaded Jojne. |
JORDAN, Gustav
Born in 1869. Deported on 19 July 1942 from Hamburg-Volksdorf (Horstloge 35) to Terezin (Theresienstadt), then to Treblinka. Source: Astrid Louven, Hamburg |
?, Josek
In preperation to the uprising - rifles and anything else that shoots were to be handed over immediately to Josek, he knew how to use them as he served in the military. |
?, Julian
No details available. |
?, Jurek
In the transport area was the "red" group. In the jargon of Treblinka they were called the "burial society". At the head of group was Jurek, in the past a crude wagon driver from Warsaw for whom the most despicable thing was not despicable at all ... dressed elegantly - something which was not a special problem in Treblinka with a whip in his hand, which he frequently used on the Jews... |
KAMCHI, Matilda
From Bitola (Macedonia). She and her girl friend were deported to Treblinka in March 1943. Source: USHMM |
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KAPLAN, Shmuel
Born in Warsaw in 1907. He was among the founders of the Ha-No'ar ha-Tsiyyoni branch there. Upon the outbreak fo WW2 he became the chairman of the movement's national leadership in Poland. Kaplan was one of the initiators of the kibbutz (commune) set up in the ghetto, which was housed at 27 Dluga Street. In July 1942 he was deported to the Treblinka extermination camp. When he was taken to his death, he fell upon his guards and killed them. He was killed. Source: GFH Photo: GFH |
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KELIN, Judah
No details available. |
Born in Kaluszyn (Poland). During the war she was in Kaluszyn from where, together with her whole family, she was deported to Treblinka in late 1942. Source: USHMM |
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No details available. |
No details available. |
The foreman of the camouflage commando, a former Czech civil servant - a quiet, polite, bespectacled man. Survivor Glazar relates: "Here is just one more example of the ambiguity that flourishes in Treblinka. To supervise vicious, hardened gangsters, smugglers who smuggle for good as well as for evil, they chose a man who had heretofore never let a single mean word pass his lips. His whip gets caught between his legs and trips him up, and he switches it into his other hand, embarrassed. His authority is based on the naturally polite manner in which he mediates among members of the camouflage commando, and between the unit and our SS thug." (Glazar, p.131-132) |
Born in Warsaw. An airplane mechanic by profession and with technical skills, he worked on producing weapons in an underground workshop. Member of the Bund and the Jewish Fighting Organization in the Warsaw ghetto. He also dealt with procuring arms on the "Aryan" side of Warsaw, along with Arie Wilner, Tosia Altman, Tuvia Szajngut ("Tadek"), Zalman Friedrich and others, and smuggling them into the ghetto. One time he was informed on by a Pole to the Germans, was deported to Treblinka, escaped and returned to the "Aryan" side of Warsaw. He was instructed by the Polish underground in making weapons, and returned to the ghetto on 17 April 1943, two days before the outbreak of the uprising. During the uprising he fought in the combat squad commanded by Jurek Blones in the brushmakers' area in the central ghetto. He fell on the second day of the battle. Photo: GFH |
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From Warsaw. |
KOHLENBRENNER (Kaylenbrener), ?
No details available. |
KO(H)N, Stanislaw / Abe / Shalom
Born in 1910. He settled in Lodz, where he worked as a building contractor. He served in the Polish army for 18 months. After his discharge in 1933, he regularly participated in military exercises until the outbreak of WW2, when he was called to active duty. After Poland’s surrender, he made his way home. On 1 October 1942, Kohn, his young wife and her mother were deported to Treblinka. The boxcar in which they travelled held about 100 passengers. Ko(h)n’s wife and mother-in-law went to the gas chambers, but since Ko(h)n himself was young and strong, the Germans put him to work as a slave laborer, carrying corpses and sorting the clothes of new arrivals. He frequently received beatings from the SS men and the Ukrainian guards. He actively participated in the Treblinka uprising, during which he was able to escape from the camp. Ko(h)n (one of approximately 40 survivors) gave evidence in August 1944, written down by Soviet senior lieutenant Blinov. In 1946 he was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. Ko(h)n settled in Israel. "The Holocaust will follow me to my grave," he said on the witness stand at the Fort Lauderdale trial. "Every year on 2 August, the anniversary of the Treblinka uprising, we meet in Tel Aviv to pray together.... The memory is with me all the time." (Donat, p.224) Photo: GFH |
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From Wisznice ghetto. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: USHMM |
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No details available. |
A very talented pediatrician in Warsaw. His real name was Henryk Goldszmidt. He gave up his lucrative practice and dedicated the rest of his life to the children of the Warsaw Jewish orphanage. He came to Treblinka with two hundred orphans - he was seventy-five years old then - and died there with them. (Sereny) Photo: GFH |
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KORLAND / KURLAND, Ze'ev / Zeew / Zev / Zvi
A Jew of about fifty had been a Warsaw wood merchant. Kapo of the Lazarett, was one of the first members of the Treblinka underground (called the "Organizing Committee") who saw the killings that were carried out in the Lazarett every day and helped the sick undress and comforted them in their final minutes, recorded these tragic experiences. Korland used to read aloud from his work to his friends at night - poetry, parts of a play, descriptions of things that had happened - but everything referred to the Lazarett. Kapo Korland who had worked in one of the most tragic places in this tragic place - the Lazarett - an extraordinary man and the senior member of the revolutionary committee, to whom we prisoners swore an oath on the eve of the uprising. |
KOSZYCKI (Kozetzski), Jacob
No details available. |
KOT, Berl
From Czestochowa, an excellent mechanic and welder. The ramp where the transports used to arrive was renovated with particular care. Its entire length was made as smooth as a table top, paved over and secured with barbed wire, this work was done by Berl Kot. He also constructed a special iron cupboard in the administration offices for incinerating the secret German files, should the camp come under attack. (Strawczynski) |
From Plock. No more details known. |
No details available |
A journalist, perhaps from Lwow. He was shot at the Lazarett, after being discovered by Miete, hiding amongst the furs, suffering from typhus. |
From Plock. No more details known. |
KRZEPICKI, Abraham / Abram
From Warsaw. On 25 August 1942 he was deported to Treblinka. However, he managed to escape 18 days later in the middle of September 1942. He hid in a freight car full of clothing, together with three other people, but alone succeeded in reaching the Warsaw ghetto. He joined the ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization) in the ghetto and was killed in the Warsaw ghetto uprising in April 1943. He was a member of a Hanoar-Hatzioni group headed by Jacob Praszker. During the shelling of the brush workshops he was wounded in the leg. His comrades had to evacuate the burning building and were forced to abandon him and other wounded fighters. Krzepicki’s report about Treblinka (he was then 25 years old) was the first eyewitness account of the crimes perpetrated in Treblinka. Photo: GFH |
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"Barrack elder" and also an informer of the SS. He was killed by the prisoners during the uprising in the "ghetto" workshop area. |
KUBEK, Wilhelm (Jakob)
He came from Czestochowa and was one of Samuel Willenberg's best friends. After he has got typhus, he was shot at the Lazarett. |
KUDLIK / KUDIK, Arie / Alexander
After the war, together with the survivors Marian Platkiewicz and Mojzesz Laks, he made a map of the camp. A copy of this map was given to the Central Jewish Historical Committee. He was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. |
KUPERMAN (Cooperman / Koyfman), Jecheskel
No details available. |
No details available. |
He relates about August Miete: "We were literally starving. A youngster near me found a can of sardines and tried to open it. At that moment, the "Angel of Death" suddenly appeared. He was skulking around, with his head lowered and a smile on his brutal face. He had caught the thief red-handed. He chased the youngster to the Lazarett. The boy’s father, who was working nearby, pleaded with him, "take me in his place, let him live!". Miete thereupon killed both the father and the son." (Donat, p.287) Photo: GFH |
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LAKS, Mojzesz / Moszek / Mietek
From Mojzesz. While in Treblinka he and Marian Platkiewicz, in secret made a map of the camp. After the war he gave a copy of this map to the Central Jewish Historical Committee. Settled in Israel. |
LANDAU, Natalia
A Jewish artist, born in Warsaw in 1907 and killed in Treblinka in 1942. |
Businessman from Czestochowa. A friend of Samuel Willenberg. Hung upside down by Miete, after gold coins were discovered on him. Miete killed him with a shot to his head. |
LASKI, Simcha / Binem
Was taken from Warsaw to Treblinka at the end of July 1942, he escaped after four days by hiding in bales of clothing which was in the transport train from which he jumped later to freedom together with Boorstein. He got back to the Warsaw ghetto in the beginning of August - on the day that the "Children's Action" was being carried out there. |
LAU, Mosze Chaim
The last rabbi of Piotrkow Trybunalski. Deported to Treblinka in 1943, where he perished. Source: USHMM |
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Born in 1910. She was a young Polish-Jewish poetesse. However she had the chance to escape from the ghetto, she couldn't leave her mother. In the Warsaw Ghetto she cooperated with Ringelblum's archive. She was deported together with her mother to Treblinka in 1942. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
A friend of Reichmann. |
No details available. |
From Warsaw. |
?, Leon
Kapo in the sorting barracks. |
LESKI, Simcha
From Warsaw. |
The physician-prisoner who worked with Chorazycki in the infirmary, she was assigned to treating the Ukrainians. She was of dark complexity. Inmate Strawczynski relates: "A large number of people suffered from skin infections which often needed surgery. Of course this had to be kept strictly secret. In the evenings the two doctors would come with medication and help the sick people. If surgery had to be performed, Dr Irka and the patient were surrounded by a group of people singing loudly, in order to drown out the scream of the patient." (Sereny & Strawczynski) |
LEWI, Leon
No details available. |
LEWIN, Abraham
Born 1893 in Warsaw. A secondary school teacher who came from a strictly Orthodox Hasidic family. He and his daughter were probably deported to Treblinka in early 1943. |
LEWIN, Julian
An avantgarde-artist. He was born in 1917 in Lodz and died in Treblinka. |
Nee Hotner. Born in 1900. After a blockade on 30 Gesia Street she was deported from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka on Wednesday 12 August 1942. |
Daughter of Abraham and Luba Lewin. Born on 13 August 1928. Probably deported to Treblinka together with her father in early 1943. |
LEWKOWICZ, Chaim Cheel
He and his wife Freda owned a house and a little grocery/butcher shop at 56 Bodzentiskya Street in Kielce (Poland). There they lived together with their children Lajzer, Mania, Mottel, Rifka and Shaindel. A younger brother died at an early age. One sister was shot by the Nazis, smuggling food back into the ghetto. The whole family was deported to Treblinka when the Kielce Ghetto was liquidated. Marek Meyer, another brother, survived the war and now lives in Canada. Source: Freda Lewkowicz, Montreal (Canada) |
Freda, the wife of Chaim Cheel Lewkowicz from Kielce, perished in Treblinka together with her family. Source: Freda Lewkowicz, Montreal (Canada) |
Born in 1922. Sole survivor of the group of women who worked in the death camp. Settled in Israel where she became a secretary. |
LICHTBLAU, Samuel / "Standa"
Born on 3 May 1909. Deportation transport Bh (18 September 1942 from Ostrawa to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). From Moravian Ostrów. Worked in the garage and was responsible for sabotaging the large fuel tank to explode and cause the major fire and destruction during the revolt. He perished in the flames. Acording to Glazar Standa Lichtblau probably accomplished the most in the revolt by blowing up the gas tank. Glazar relates about him: "Wait, wait." Standa Lichtblau, who’s stopped off at our bunk, interrupts Hans. "What about the gasoline, an entire tankfull, and the pump? A rag soaked in gasoline and set on fire, a few leaky gas cans, and in this weather that should be enough for half of Treblinka. It’s too bad that I won’t see it burn. It’s about fifty meters from the garage to the pump. My dear boss has told me that the pump’s mine. Okay, I’ll take the pump. That’ll be my solo appearance - as one huge, flaming torch, in memory of my wife and daughter..." (Glazar, p.134) |
No details available. |
LINDWASER, Abraham / Avraham
Born in 1909. He arrived on 28 August 1942 in Treblinka, came from Warsaw. He was forced to extract teeth in Treblinka and after the uprising, he hid in the woods, then volunteered for the Polish army. He emigrated to Israel in 1948. He relates: "They made me a "dentist". I could not stand it, so I tried to hang myself. I was already swinging on my belt when a Jew with a beard — I don’t know his name — took me down... Someone at least should survive it all, to describe later on what was going on here." He also relates during the Eichmann trial: "He (SS man) pulled me by the sleeve, seized me by the hand, by the sleeve, dragged me by force, again with blows - I want to stress this, although I have already stressed it - and he brought me to a well. Next to the well, there were basins with gold teeth and also pairs of forceps for extracting teeth. He ordered me to take a pair of forceps and to extract the teeth from the bodies by the side of the cabins." Photo: GFH |
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Daughter of Moshe Y. Lubling and his wife Zelda. She perished at Treblinka together with her parents in 1942. Ester was 12 years old when she was murdered. Source: Dr Yoram Lubling |
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Moshe Lubling was born in the town of Wolbrum in Upper Silesia, Poland. He lived with his wife Zelda and two children, Pinchas and Ester in Katowice and Sosnowiec where he was the founder and chairman of several Zionists chapters (Poali-Zion and Aoved). He and his family found themselves in the Czestochowa Ghetto at the beginning of the war. In Czestochowa he organized the slave workers and become the chairman of the famous Workers' Council in the ghetto. The council functioned as an intellectual centre for the resistance as well as negotiated with the Judenrat and the Gestapo for better conditions for the workers (a testimony about Moshe Lubling’s leadership was given by Tzvi Rosenvayn in Czestochowa Yidn, pp. 47-51 (“The Hunger Strike in the Czestochowa Ghetto”), a supplement book to Hurban Czestochowa. The article was translated by Mark Froimowitz for the Yizkor project. According to these two books and several other eyewitnesses, Moshe Lubling was offered to be rescued by the Polish underground the night before the final liquidation of the ghetto, but refused. At the ghetto he organized acts of resistance and many a times was arrested by the Gestapo and the Judenrat. During the liquidation of the ghetto on Yom-Kippur 1942 Moshe and his son Pinchas were kept as slave workers at Huta Czestochowa, while his wife and daughter were send to Treblinka and were gassed upon arrival. During the second selection in October, Moshe Lubling was deported to Treblinka. Upon his arrival he was kept alive as a Goldjude to sort the possessions of the murdered Jews. According to the testimony of Shalom Kon in Sefer Milchamot Agetaot ('The Wars of the Ghettos'), Moshe Lubling was among the original four plotters of the revolt that in August 1943 burned the Treblinka death-camp. After the gruesome experiences of the day, the four plotters of the revolt met by night around Dr. Chorazycki plank bed and discussed the plans. Their first problem was how to get hold of weapons and explosives which were needed. The four men were the above mentioned Dr. Chorazycki, the Czech army officer Zelo Bloch – a Jew, of course, 'Zev' Kurland from Warsaw and Lubling from Silesia (p. 535). Moshe Lubling didn’t survive the revolt, but a letter that was smuggled from Treblinka reached his son Pinchas, who was left in Czestochowa, that told about the upcoming revolt. The letter is a historical document of unparallel significance (see Lieber Brener’s testimony in Hurban Czestochowa). In 1961 Yad-Vashem awarded Moshe Lubling a citation for his heroic resistance against the Nazis. Since his death, his heroic life was documented in several published testimonies about the Czestochowa Ghetto and the death camp Treblinka. His son Pinchas survived the Holocaust and immediately immigrated to Israel where he served in the IDF and later became one of the executives of Harut (a Solel-Bona Company). He is 81 years old today (2005) and lives with his wife in Rannana, Israel. Moshe Lubling has two grandchildren – Moshe Lubling (56) and Dr Yoram Lubling. Source: Dr Yoram Lubling |
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LUBLING nee Fisch, Zelda
Wife of Moshe Y. Lubling. Zelda perished at Treblinka together with her husband and her daughter Ester in 1942. Source: Dr. Yoram Lubling |
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From Plock. Was in charge of the garage and gasoline stores. He sabotaged the engine of the armoured car which was normally parked near the garage and the SS barracks, so that at the outbreak of the revolt it would be out of commission. He and a comrade (probably Standa Lichtblau) set fire to the gasoline store, causing explosions and a huge blaze, which spread to the surrounding area during the uprising. They were both shot and killed by Ukrainian guards. According to Kalman Taigman, Rudek fired at the SS man who was beating two young men just before the revolt, and subsequently a grenade was thrown. |
LUCK, Moshe
No etails available. |
Born in 1936 in Deblin. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: GFH |
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According to Glazar: "He was sixteen years old, no more boy than a man - shot for leaving a Yellow Star in the clothing bundles that were sent outside Treblinka, as a telltale sign to what is happening there." (Glazar, TWAGF p.76) |
?, Malpa
No details available. |
Tchechia according to Suchomel: "She was a really intelligent distinguished girl, very proud and courageous. She was one of the few Jews all of us Germans addressed as "Sie" rather than "Du". Jean François Steiner, author of the controversial book "Treblinka", said she slept with Germans, but never never did she do that. She was a Kapo, Rakowski’s girl friend. He was the chief Jew of the camp and she became pregnant by him and had an abortion. Tchechia was the daughter of an industrialist in Galicia, extremely well educated. I was told later how she died. I didn’t see it myself. It happened after I left Treblinka. It was quite a while after the revolt, only a few girls were still there waiting on the remnant of the German personnel who were liquidating the camp. The Unterscharführer (who was in charge) got up after lunch that day and apparently said to the three girls: "Well girls, it’s your turn now" (jetzt muss es ja einmal dran’gehen). Tchechia laughed and said, "aha, I never did believe your fairy-tale promises, you pigs. Go ahead, kill us. Just do me a favour and don’t ask us to undress". One of the girls, she was also called Tchechia ("little Tchechia"), cried and Tchechia said, "don’t cry, don’t do them the favour. Remember, you are a Jewess". She was really something - somebody, you know." Tchechia Mandel was from Lviv. She never worked at the clinic, she always worked in the kitchen...(Sereny) |
?, Maniele
According to Strawczynski: "I notice a Ukrainian shooting from a distance at the running crowd (during the revolt). Maniele falls - a fine, decent women. She was in Treblinka with her husband Chaim, nicknamed "Malpe" (monkey). Chaim runs on, wringing his hands and crying: "Maniele is killed!" (Strawczynski memoirs) |
?, Marcus
A youth from Warsaw who was from a group of Jewish boys called Putzer (cleaners) who shined the boots and cleaned the uniforms of the SS. It was this group of four boys, led by Marcus, which was assigned the task of removing the weapons from the storeroom which were used in the uprising. They filled sacks with grenades, firearms and ammunition the sacks were then passed out through the window and loaded on garbage carts with which the bags were taken to the nearby garage, where two other members of the underground worked. |
MARKIN, Dr. Estera
A teacher and psychologist. Before the war she teached philosophy and psychology at the grammar schools in Warsaw. In the Warsaw Ghetto she worked for "Centos", an organisation which helped children. She was leader of the shelters for the children in the ghetto. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
Born on 10 September 1913. Deportation transport Ba (10 August 1942 from Praha to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). A 28 years old "half-Jew" who had served as a lieutenant in the Czech army, also served later in the "Organizing Committee". He used to take care of Kurt Franz’ dog. He had been married to a Jewess and chose to accompany her when she was deported to Terezin (Theresienstadt) and then to Treblinka. She was taken to the gas chambers, but he was left alive to work. Of the Czechs, only Rudolf Masarek, much younger than the others, was eventually to be appointed a "Court Jew". |
Kapo of the "Blues" (Kommando Blau), the team on the platform. |
?, Mechel
Came from Warsaw. He was one of five escapees, who dug a tunnel from the death camp prisoner’s barrack to the fence and escaped, but was captured. As he stood under the hanging post he called out: "Down with Hitler! Long live the Jewish people!" |
No details available. |
MEIER, Friederike
Born on 17 January 1877. Deported from Vienna to Terezin (Theresienstadt). From there she was sent to death in Treblinka on 10 July 1942. |
He was Willenberg's history teacher. He was shot at the Lazarett. |
MIKA, Chaim
"Chaim Mika, a building contractor from Nowy Dwor, supervised the work when two new wells were dug: one in the Ukrainian courtyard and one in the Jewish "Ghetto". This was not an easy task in Treblinka because the terrain was high and sandy. He also constructed cellars for storing ice and potatoes. Generally, he led the detachment that was responsible for the storage of potatoes." (Testimony, Stawczynski) |
From Wlodzimierz Wolynski. He escaped with Teigman. Source: Kalman Teigman. |
No details available. |
?, Moishele
He was a tailor. Shortly after the uprising, Rajgrodzki describes what happened to him: "He had a rifle without bullets. He was wounded near the heart. I took a shirt out of my knapsack and cut it up as a bandage. One of the others dressed Moishele’s wound, but it continued to bleed. A short while later he lost consciousness and died." |
?, Moniek
A young, dynamic fellow from Warsaw who served as Kapo of the "Court Jews". Also served later in the Treblinka underground. |
?, Mordechai
He came up with the idea of resistance and escape. There were Germans who came nearly every evening to the tailor shop to listen to the prisoner orchestra’s music, and the idea was that a combat team would ambush these Germans, kill them quietly and take their weapons. One of the team would then put on a German uniform and call the Ukrainian guards who were near the Jewish barracks, one by one. As they entered the hut they, too, would be killed silently. With the guards eliminated, the prisoners would be summoned to leave their huts and escape from the camp... The plan sounded altogether too fantastic and gained few supporters, but within a short time the idea of revolt had taken root. |
?, Mosche
From somewhere in Rembertow. |
MURZAN-SZTROMAN, Mindel and Luba
A counselor in Janusz Korczak's orphanage. She is photographed with her daughter Luba. Mother and daughter were sent to Treblinka with Korczak and the orphans in August 1942. |
NEHAMA, Salomon
From Bitola (Macedonia). Deported to Treblinka in March 1943, together with 3,800 Macedonian Jews. |
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A foreman in the sorting yard and a decent young man from Czestochowa, with whom the Strawczynski brothers later become quite friendly with. Strawzcynski relates: "Neumark walks back and forth in front of his group, his whip in motion, constantly shouting: "Tempo! Tempo!"... Movement is essential." |
Born in Warsaw in 1916. With the outbreak of WW2, he went with his movement comrades to the areas under Soviet occupation. In January 1940 he returned to Warsaw and got involved in his movement's underground activities. He built a radio and listened to the broadcasts of the Free World, providing material for publication in the underground newspapers. During the "Great Action" (mass deportations in the Warsaw ghetto) in the summer of 1942 he was caught by the Germans and sent to the Treblinka extermination camp. He related that when his transport had first arrived in the camp, no one was suspicious. After several days there, he succeeded in escaping, returned to the ghetto and told of the situation in the camp. He was one of the initiators of armed resistance and a founder of the ZOB. During the Warsaw ghetto uprising of 1943, he commanded a combat squad in the Toebbens and Schultz factories area. On 29 April, he and his comrades escaped the ghetto via the sewers to the "Aryan" side of Warsaw, where he joined the partisans, returned to Warsaw and left again with a number of other fighters. The group was informed upon to the Germans, and in the ensuing battle, all the fighters were killed. Photo: GFH |
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(1889 – 1942). A Jewish artist who perished in Treblinka. Photo: GFH |
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Settled in Israel. Photo: GFH |
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Described by Stawzcynski: "The victims run around one of the mountains of clothing, throw their bundles onto it and without stopping, run back to the Transport Square. This "dance macabre" has been going on now for over fifteen minutes. From the distance I recognize my neighbours. I see my neighbour Palacz being led to the Lazarett, from where shortly afterwards a shot is heard. Palacz, a rather weak, delicate young ran, evidently could not pass the "training"." |
?, Perele
Little Perele, who is not exactly ugly but certainly plain, first in a mock wedding ceremony at Treblinka. |
A prisoner who escaped from the camp together with Galewski. Perelstein relates that after they had gone a few Kilometers, Galewski felt that he did not have the strength to go on. He took some poison out of his pocket, swallowed it and died on the spot. |
He was a witness in the trial of the camp criminals. Photo: GFH |
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?, "Perla" / "Paulinka"
The women’s Kapo in the Lower Camp was a woman named Perla or, as she was usually called, "Paulinka". She was notorious for her poor treatment of women prisoners and her informing to the Germans. She gave away at least six Jews to Küttner. After the revolt she was found, with her head shattered, on the path where she had tried to escape to the Upper Camp. |
No details available. |
?, Piasek
Strawczynski relates about him: "On the other side of the wall from our shop, in the barracks emptied by the Ukrainians, worked a division of upholsterers led by a certain Piasek. He was an ugly creature. He had come to Treblinka with a wife and six children, but behaved like a street brat, singing dirty songs, gorging himself, getting drunk and molesting women who tried to avoid him. Kiewe, always everywhere, comes to the upholstery shop and finds two of the boys guilty of something or other. He makes them strip naked, lines them up on the ground - head to head and starts working them over with his whip. Their terrible screams of pain are heard in our workshop, and they are so fearful and horrible it makes our flesh crawl. We have never heard such heartbreaking cries, even in Treblinka." (Strawczynski memoirs) |
PLATKIEWICZ, Marian (Maniek)
From Plock. She was with the potato group. When bound for Treblinka she thought, "at that time the general opinion in the Warsaw ghetto was that Treblinka was no more than a forced labor camp..." According to another version, a transit and selection station had been built there for those sent to do agricultural work in the Ukraine. After the war she returned to Plock and later emigrated to Israel where she settled. While in Treblinka, Marian and Mojzesz Laks secretly drew a map of the camp. After the war Mojzesz Laks gave a copy of this map to the Central Jewish Historical Committee. She relates: "A youngster stole some wood in order to warm up a little "coffee" for his comrades. SS man Stadie killed him for "sabotage"." (Donat, p.287) |
Lawyer from Czestochowa, member of the Czestochowa Judenrat. Deported to Treblinka on 4 October 1942. |
He relates: "I arrived in Treblinka in a transport of 6,000 men, women and children. We were met by a crowd of SS men and Ukrainians, all armed. We got off the train. In the rush whoever happened to turn around or look behind him was beaten up at once. Women and children were led away in one direction, men in the other. We had to get on our knees. Whoever tried to get up was shot immediately. No resistance was possible. There was no help for us." (Donat, p.287) Photo: GFH |
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Kapo in the camp. |
From Warsaw. He was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. Settled in Rio de Janeiro. He relates: "Franz ... ran through the camp and hit the unfortunate workers in their faces with his whip. At night, during roll call, he made them step out of the ranks and turned them over to Miete, the "Angel of Death", who killed them with a bullet in the neck. One day SS man Kütner threw a baby into the air and Franz killed it with two shots from his gun.... About March, 1943, the camp was visited by Himmler. At 4 p.m. the whole camp crew and the Jewish workers were assembled in the roll call square, and a report was accepted by SS man Kiewe. He in turn reported to the camp commandant, who then reported to Himmler." (Donat, p.288) |
Born 1872 in Salzburg / Austria. A famous Jewish painter, who perished 1942 in Treblinka. |
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A Jewish artist who perished in Treblinka. Source: GFH |
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From Warsaw. Escapee who reached the Warsaw ghetto in August 1942. He was a journalist and as a result of his report on the extermination in Treblinka, the Jewish Labor party "Bund", which was active in the underground in the Warsaw ghetto, sent a few emissaries to Kosov and to Sokolow-Podlaski in the area of Treblinka to test the veracity of the report. In Sokolow-Podlaski the Bund emissaries met with another escapee from Treblinka by the name of Alriel Wallach and from him they received verification of Rabinowicz’s report. This information was one of the decisive factors in establishing the "Jewish Fighting Organization" in the Warsaw ghetto and in preparing for resistance and revolt. |
Born in Lodz. From 1941 she was together with her brother Yechiel Rajchman in the ghetto of Ostrow Lubelski. In October 1942 she was deported together with her brother to Treblinka. Yechiel told about her: "On the train to Treblinka, my sister begged me to give her some food because we had very little food with us. They cheated us. We were told that they are taking us to Russia for work, and it will take many days until we will reach our destination. I did not give my sister Anna. She accepted my reasoning and was willing to suffer and hold off her thirst and craving for food. "Alright, I will do without the food as long as we will come to a place and survive." She was so weak upon arrival that they dispatched her to the gas chambers as soon as we arrived." Source: USHMM, Interview with Chiel Rajchman, 7 December, 1988 |
Deported in October 1942 from Ostrow Lubelski via Lubartow to Treblinka. He relates: "The cremation of the corpses was begun on a larger scale only after January 1943 when a new chief, who was a specialist in the cremation of corpses, arrived at Camp No. 2." (Donat, p.289) Photo: GFH |
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RAJGROTZKI, Jerzy / Georg
From Siedlce, he settled in Warsaw where he worked as a draftsman. Deported to Treblinka where he spent 11 months in the Totenlager (extermination area), and also a member of the orchestra there. Participated in the revolt. Settled in West Germany. He writes about a forced orchestral performance: "Most of us felt that we had had enough of this disgrace and we were ready to get even with the murderers. If only to throw a knife at one of them and kill him. Many of us had feelings of this sort. But we did not plan anything - an act of this sort would have ended in disaster. The guards outside had been strengthened then, even though they (the Germans) did not even suspect that this "garbage" could even think of such a thing... We would stand near the fence and play for the Ukrainians dozens of Soviet songs. Ivan (Demjaniuk) and Nikolai loved these songs, and they made a big impression on them. During that time they did not beat or torture the prisoners, except when they committed some unusual crime." (Arad, p.235) |
He was born in the Polish town of Wegrow in 1902. Before the war he lived with his wife and young daughter in Warsaw, where he was employed in an export-import business. On 21 September 1942 he was deported to Treblinka. His wife and daughter perished; so did two brothers and one sister. Altogether, 70 members of Rajzman’s family were killed in the Holocaust. Rajzman was an active participant in the plans for the Treblinka revolt, and during the uprising he led one of the groups of fighters. Spent a year hiding in the forest after the revolt. When he returned from a nearby village where he had gone to get food for his group, he found them all dead, killed by Polish partisans. In 1944 he wrote one of the first reports about Treblinka. Was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. He was the only witness to testify about Treblinka at the Nuremberg war crimes trials, where his testimony made a shattering impression. In 1950 he emigrated to Canada, settling in Montreal. He was one of the prime witnesses at the Düsseldorf trials, and witness for the prosecution at the Fort Lauderdale trial. |
RAK, Meir
No details available. |
RAKOWSKI, Benjamin
Was a "camp elder" and brought in on the secret underground activity after the death of Chorazycki. He planned an escape with fifteen other prisoners but the money for the escape was found in his sleeping quarters and was shot at the Lazarett. According to Richard Glazar: "He is the biggest speculator in the entire camp, a glutton, a boozer, a bellyacher. And he’s not looking out for anyone but himself; everything he does is for his own benefit. If they ever catch him, he won’t have anymore friends." |
From Czestochowa. Aron Gelberd and the sorting commando team saved him when he arrived at the camp. Escaped from Treblinka with Jacob Eisner in January 1943. Settled in the United States. He relates: "The doors of the cars open. A horde of SS hurl themselves on us. My wife is pregnant, she cannot run. Our little boy of 11 is with us. An SS man fires at my wife. She falls. Then he fires at the kid." (Donat, p.288) Photo: GFH |
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REICHMAN, Yechiel / Henryk ?
Was not sent to the gas chambers that day he arrived in Treblinka. The camp authorities needed barbers, and so he was saved. Was later a member of the "burning group" in the death camp when the cremation of exhumed corpses took place on special constructed grills also called "roasts". Regarding this he relates: "The SS expert on body burning ordered us to put women, particularly fat women, on the first layer on the grill, face down. The second layer could consist of whatever was brought: men, women or children and so on, layer on top of layer... Then the expert ordered us to lay dry branches under the grill and to light them. Within a few minutes ... it was difficult to approach the crematorium from as far as 50 m away... The work was extremely difficult. The stench was awful. Liquid excretions from the corpses squirted all over the prisoner-workers. The SS man operating the excavator often dumped the corpses directly onto the prisoners working nearby, wounding them seriously..." (Arad, BST p.175) It is not certain if he is the same as Henryk Reichman who was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. |
A doctor. No more details available. |
A prisoner doctor assigned to the infirmary in the "Ghetto" barracks. |
From Czestochowa. Escaped from the camp and returned to the "Small Ghetto" in Czestochowa and told of what was happening in Treblinka. On the day that the ghetto was liquidated, early October 1942, he tried to kill the German officer Rohn, who commanded the expulsion action. |
ROGOWY, Rabbi Avraham Mordechai
He was born in 1898 in Lodz. He was one of the founders of Poalei Agudas Yisroel, publicated the newspaper "Der Yiddishe Arbeiter", edited "Dos Yiddishe Tageblatt" and "Bet Yakoov". In the Warsaw ghetto he was a member of the Judenrat. On 1 August 1942 he was sent to Treblinka where he died together with his wife and nine children. |
Perhaps the same person as Rojzman. He relates: "My old parents, my three sisters, my three brothers and my brother-in-law, they all were murdered at the (camp) entrance. Shots, whistle of whips - all this in a matter of a few minutes." (Donat, p.288) |
Born in Grojec near Warsaw. He lost his whole family in Treblinka and is the only survivor of the camp still living in Poland. Brought up to be a butcher. He worked in the camp supply store. Wasn’t one of the revolt planners but as he worked in the fields outside the camp he was assigned to deal with the Ukrainians in a wachtower. After the escape, he stayed with five escapes in the forest for a year. Photo: GFH |
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ROSENBAUM nee Van der Zyl, Henny
Born on 18 January 1880 in Raesfeld (Germany). In 1942 she was deported together with her daughter Herta to Terezin (Theresienstadt). From there both were deported to Treblinka on 2 November 1942. Source: JewishGen |
Born on 28 February 1911 in Raesfeld, daughter of Henny Rosenbaum. Deported with her mother to Terezin (Theresienstadt). On 2 November 1942, together with her mother, deported to Treblinka. Source: JewishGen |
ROSENBERG, Eliahu (Eli)
Worked in the extermination area. After the uprising he escaped, tried to join a partisan unit, was turned down but finally accepted by another group. He enlisted in the Polish army and was discharged in November 1946. Settled in Israel. When asked whether he still thought about Treblinka, he replied, "I don’t think about it; it’s in me, like an indelible tattoo." He relates: "I was 18 when I arrived in Treblinka with my mother and my three sisters. Until the day of the revolt I saw nothing but the sky and the sand, sky and sand, and corpses on the ground." (Donat, p.288) He stated during the Eichmann trial: Q. Was it (gas) manufactured by an engine, from the exhaust of a diesel engine? A. Yes. It was gas from an engine. They put in Ropa, which was a kind of oil, a crude oil, and the fumes entered the gas chambers. The people who were the last to enter the gas chambers, the very last, received stabs in the bodies from the bayonets, since the last persons already saw what was going on inside and did not want to enter. Photo: GFH |
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From Plock. |
From Plock. |
Deported from Radom, when he was around 3 or 4 years old. |
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Lawyer from Czestochowa, member of the Czestochowa Judenrat. Deported to Treblinka on 4 October 1942. |
ROTSTEIN nee Kohn, Matel
Born in 1920 in Cmielow (Poland). Daughter of Shmuel Kohn and Elka, nee Rosenbloom. Housewife who worked also in her father's shop. Deported to Treblinka where she perished in October 1942. Source: Yad Vashem |
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Rozenblum lived in Warsaw, and finally in its ghetto. He worked together with Kalman Teigman at Okecie airport before being deported to Treblinka. There he worked in the "Upper Camp", assisting with the gassing operations. Source: Kalman Teigman. |
From Czestochowa. |
A Jewish artist who perished in the Holocaust. He was born in Lodz in 1897, and died in Treblinka in 1943. Photo: GFH |
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From Bodzentyn, was born in 1927 in Kielce. He wrote a diary of his experiences as a teenager during the Nazi occupation. He left the notebooks of his journal in an attic where he hid with his father. He perished in 1942 in Treblinka. His diary was published in Hebrew in 1964. |
?, Rudek
From Plotzk or Wloclawek. Worked in the SS garage. |
Dr. RYBAK, ?
He took over the position as doctor at the camp's German infirmary after the death of Dr Chorazycki. Rybak according to Strawcynski: "He was elegantly dressed, always in a good mood, he worked fast and with zest. He participated in all the receptions and entertainments, and even managed to fall in love with a young dentist from Bialystok. Following the example of Kapo Yurek and informer Chaskiel, he went so far as to celebrate a wedding with great ceremony, music and dancing, naturally with the help and approval of the Germans." (Strawcynski memoirs) Rybak according to Glazar: "Bearded, forlorn faces, half-open mouths with lips spread taut, protruding jawbones, eyes pulled open wide in an empty stare, confused words and screams - this is Dr Rybak’s workplace. He works here every day and - unlike the rest of us - every night. Whenever one of his patients leaves the sickbed under his own power and reaches out his hand in thanks, Rybak, the doctor from Warsaw and onetime student at the University of Prague, often responds: "Don’t thank me. Curse me. I’m not giving your life back to you. I’m returning you to all the terrible suffering of Treblinka." (Glazar, TWAGF p.74) |
Born in 1903 in Kaluszyn (Poland). During the war he lived in the Warsaw ghetto. Together with his whole family he was deported to Treblinka in summer 1942 or early 1943. Source: USHMM |
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A businessman from Warsaw. Source: Kalman Teigman. |
Jewish agronomist from Czestochowa. Was one of the first members of the Treblinka underground team, called the "Organizing Committee". The park with a zoo and a beautiful enclosure for the animals and birds which was constructed in the camp, was done by a detachment of gardeners led by Sudawicz, and a German commander. Around the entire camp, a vegetable garden was planted in the space between the fence and the barbed wire. (Strawczynski) |
SAGAN, Szachno Efroim
Born in 1892. One of the leaders of the Pole-Zion Left (the zionist-socialist organisation in pre-war Poland). In the Warsaw Ghetto he was the organisator of the Jüdische Soziale Selbsthilfe and member of the Jewish political underground in the ghetto. He organized also the secret Yiddish schools in the ghetto. Deported to Treblinka with his family on 5 August 1942. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
A singer in the camp. |
A clothing merchant from Kielce, a very smart and experienced man of about forty who worked in the tailor shop. His two sons were with him in Treblinka: Heniek, about 13, who polished boots in the German barracks and Velvl, about 17, who worked in the Jewish laundry. One of the first members of the Treblinka underground team, called the "Organizing Committee". During the uprising he was appointed to be in charge of the "ghetto" area. Suchomel relates and has another idea about what started the uprising prematurely: "There was a man called Salzberg. He had two sons. Both the boys were cleaners in our barracks. Father Salzberg was storekeeper in the tailor-shop, therefore under me. He was very intelligent and worried about his boys. He told me his wife had died in Kielce before he came to Treblinka. Salzberg was on the so-called "committee", and it was upon his urging that the revolt began an hour earlier than planned, and thus insufficiently prepared. The reason why Salzberg insisted on this may be because his older boy, two days before the revolt, had done something - I don’t know what - that annoyed Küttner. I had pleaded with Kurt Franz for the boy's life and it seemed all right, but Salzberg was still afraid that Küttner would take him. That boy was fifteen that's what his father told me - the younger one was twelve and his name was Heinrich. He was a nice boy. The older one I didn’t know because he worked in the other barrack." Richard Glazar too had written to me about Salzberg, but spoke of him as only having one son, sixteen years old. "The only case", he said, "where father and son were selected together from a transport. The young Salzberg worked as a cleaner in the SS barracks with Edek, the accordion player. I hear he is supposed to have survived and be living somewhere in Spain." |
See above. |
See above. |
SALZBERG, Wladyslaw
Escaped in 1942 from Treblinka and came to the Kielce ghetto where he informed the Judenrat about the fate of the Polish Jews. He was in Kielce before the deportation from this town to Treblinka. His further fate is not known. Source: K. Urbanski: Kieleccy Zydzi. Kielce |
?, Saschka
No details available. |
From the "Gold Jews" commando. |
There were two red-haired Schermanns, the only siblings in the camp, who were musicians, one who played the violin. |
No details available. |
A German Jew from the Sudetenland. |
Members of the Schlachter family from Dabrowa Bialostocka. Perhaps Aaron and his wife. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: USHMM |
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A child of Aaron Schlachter from Dabrowa Bialostocka. deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: USHMM |
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A child of Aaron Schlachter from Dabrowa Bialostocka. deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: USHMM |
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From the camouflage commando. (Not sure if he is an Ukrainian or an inmate, perhaps it is a nickname) |
Dark-complected, another member from the camouflage team who ran out during the revolt with Richard Glazar and Karl Unger. |
Born on 26 August 1919. Deportation transport AAd (13 June 1942 from Kolin to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). |
One of the musicians in the small band that had been organized in the camp right from the beginning, with some professional musicians like the three Sherman brothers from Warsaw. However, they did not achieve great success. |
A Jewish artist who perished in the Holocaust. She was born in Warsaw, and died in Treblinka in 1942. Photo: GFH |
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A cellist from Warsaw. |
The only one who managed to escape when five prisoners dug a tunnel out of the death camp. He returned to the Warsaw ghetto, joined the underground, and at the time of the Warsaw revolt commanded a group of combatants and fought among the ruins of the ghetto until the end of September 1943. He was the only one during those months prior to the Treblinka revolt, who succeeded in escaping from the extermination area. |
Became a butcher in New York. Photo: GFH |
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Born in Warsaw, was in the Polish army when WW2 began. They called him "Langer" (long one) in the camp. Worked first in the "Red" command - he had to superintend the undressing in the undressing barracks. He recalls: "Later I was appointed to the disinfection room, probably one of the worst places to be in; it was between the hairdressers who chopped off the women’s hair, and the "tube" which led up to the gas chambers. We would have to disinfect the hair, you see, right away, before it was packed up to ship - they used it in Germany to make mattresses. (Sereny, p.188) There was one SS, if I saw him today, if there was anything he needed, I’d give it to him: Karl Ludwig. He was a good good man. The number of times he brought me things, the number of times he helped me, the number of people he probably saved, I can hardly tell you. I don’t know where he is now, but I wish I did." (Sereny, p.187) He participated in the revolt. With gentile papers, he was able to obtain employment with a Polish construction unit attached to the German Wehrmacht. After the war he married a German woman named Erika, who converted to Judaism and emigrated with him to the United States where he became a maitre d’hotel at Grossinger’s, New York. |
Came from a hideout in ?? (Strawzcynski) along with thirty other people. He was assigned to the workshops. He told Strawzcynski about the story of the hideout, which was so well concealed: "As you know, we had an understanding with Samuel Miska, a policeman and a big wheel at the Gestapo. He promised to get us out for 30,000 zlotys, to legalize us after the "action" was finished. After a few days he comes back, breaks open the wall and calls: "Comrades, come out! You are saved!" As soon as we came out we were surrounded by the German and Jewish police and brought to the trains with the others." |
?, Simcha
Worked in the machine shop. |
Businessman. Stangl, the camp commandant, enjoyed talking to him. He made him "Camp elder" of the death camp. Singer and several others were suspected of informing to the Germans. He was killed during the revolt. |
A child of Korczak's orphanage. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: GFH |
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Deported from Czestochowa in September 1942. Settled in Glasgow, Scotland. |
For the SS men and in order to note where we were living, a composition of Treblinka. "Lager zwei ist unser Leben, ay, ay, ay" ("Camp II is our life, ay, ay, ay") was composed. Spiegel, a professional singer and actor who had appeared in the Prague theater, sang the chorus of this song in the orchestra in the extermination area where they were forced to perform at roll call next to the mass graves. |
Cousin of Teigman, from Warsaw. Together with his father he served in the "Upper Camp". Source: Kalman Teigman. |
Strawczynski relates: "Stern was a strong young man from Warsaw who worked as one of the "Gold Jews". He was accused of "speculating" with the Ukrainians and giving them money. Unceremoniously, Lalka took him out in the morning, fixed him up as only he could do, and set him squatting with his hands over his head at the entrance to the "Ghetto" so that all passers-by could see him. On his orders, the block elder Kuba, the informer, hovered over him to prevent him from changing his position. Lalka would come back every few minutes, throw the victim to the ground and kick and whip him. Nothing was left of the man but a swollen mess of bloody flesh, which Lalka would again put in a squatting position; and this went on until the evening. It is impossible to understand how the man lived through a day like that. At the evening roll call he was treated to another "fifty" (lashes) and finally sent off to the Lazarett." (Testimony, Strawczynski) |
Born on 17 December 1923. Originally an Austrian Jew (refugee), Protectorate registration number: 41267. He lived in Praha I., Celetna 2. Deportation transport AAl (2 July 1942 from Praha to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 fromTerezin to Treblinka). |
Born in Lodz, Poland in 1906. Became a skilled and accomplished artisan whose abilities as a tinsmith eventually saved his life in Treblinka and which also made it possible for him to save the life of his brother Zygmunt. Strawczynski’s entire immediate family perished during the war - in Treblinka and in Auschwitz - with the exception of his brother Zygmunt, and his youngest sister. He arrived in Treblinka on 5 October 1942, where he and his brother were put to work at sorting loot and later at the blacksmith shop. Participated in the revolt. After the revolt, he hid in the surrounding forest area where he made contact with the partisan movement. He was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. He settled in Canada and testified against the Nazis at the trial in Düsseldorf in 1964-65. He died in Montreal,1966. Photo: GFH |
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Brother of Oscar, see above. Died in Montreal in 1975. Photo: GFH |
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Strawczynski relates: (Edited to shorten) "It was the day after Succoth, 5 October 1942. Although utterly exhausted after twenty-four hours in the tightly packed cattle cars, we shivered with terror when the train stopped and we heard frightful shouts: "Out, Out..!" Whips fly over our heads... In the eyes of my wife I recognize that finally even she has begun to believe the horrible rumours about the gas factory beyond Malkinia. I can see that now she regrets not having agreed to my plan to hide with the children in our neighbour’s hideout. We run out as fast as we can to avoid the whips lashing overhead, and find ourselves on a long, narrow platform, crowded to capacity. All familiar faces - neighbours and acquaintances. A smell of charred flesh stifles the breath. Unwittingly, I catch a glimpse of the mountains of clothing, shoes, bedding and all kinds of wares that can be seen over the fence. The dense mass of people is pushed toward and jammed through a gate... Down this alley, completely naked, they took their last walk - my dear wife and children, father, mother, brothers and sisters, together with millions of Jewish men and women... They never came out of the "bath"." (Strawczynski memoirs) Photo: GFH |
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Born in 1881. Deported on 25 October 1941 from Hamburg-Volksdorf (Horstloge 35) to Lodz, then to Treblinka. Source: Astrid Louven, Hamburg |
A journalist. In 1918 he established in Lublin the first Yiddish newspaper "Lubliner Tugblat" and was its redactor for many years. He cooperated also with the Warsaw Jewish newspaper "Moment". During the war he wrote the articles for "Gazeta Zydowska" ("Jewish Newspaper"), the only official Jewish newspaper in occupied Poland. From the Warsaw ghetto he was deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
SUKNO, Bronka
Arrived from Warsaw in Treblinka on 18 January 1943. Worked in the tailor’s shop. Settled in Israel. He relates: "A transport arrives, a gang of SS is there. A little girl is holding a doll. SS man Suchomel wants to grab it from her; the mother protects the child. One shot, she falls." (Donat, p.290) |
Settled in France. No more details known. |
No details available. |
Several of the escapees from Treblinka participated in the Warsaw ghetto uprising, among them David Nowodworski, member of the Jewish Fighting Organization and commander of a group of fighters, and Lazar Szerszein, who was also the commander of a group of fighters. |
Settled in Israel. |
No details available. |
From Wisznice Ghetto. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: USHMM. |
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Worked in the extermination area. He claimed in a letter (During the Demjanjuk trial) from Australia (where he settles) that he personally hit Ivan Grozni with a spade on the day of the uprising, but does not know if he was alive or dead. Sztajer has made a model of Treblinka. He relates: "For eleven long months I had to carry my dead fellow-Jews on my shoulders to the mass graves. Inside myself I carried one great prayer-not to die before I would be able to commit some slight act of revenge against the murderers of my people. One day I suddenly heard voices from inside the gas chamber. It seemed that four boys from Warsaw had survived inside the gas chamber because there hadn’t been enough gas to kill them. They heard us talking in Yiddish and, through the walls, they told us the story of the uprising that took place in the Warsaw ghetto. It seemed to us as if death itself had acquired speech and spoke to us from inside the chamber and boasted of the heroism of the Jews." (Donat, p.290) Strawzcynski relates about a Sztajer: "Lalka takes a walk along the platform. As it happens, he notices a Jew, Mr. Sztajer, one of my neighbours from Czestochowa. Without a second thought he aims his rifle at the Jewish behind. Sztajer falls, screaming in pain. Lalka approaches him laughing, orders him to get up and pull down his pants, so that he can check his aim. The man doubles up in pain, blood streaming from his lead-filled behind. But Lalka is not satisfied. With a disappointed shrug he mutters: "Dam it! I missed the balls!" He continues his walk looking for a new target." Sztajer still lives in Australia in 2002. Photo: ARC |
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Kalman Teigman was born on 24 December 1922 in Warsaw. His family lived in Warsaw, and finally on Twarda Street in the ghetto. Teigman worked at the Okecie airport together with his comrade Slamek Rozenblum, and at the Astra-Werke from where he was deported to Treblinka on 4 September 1942, where he arrived the next day, together with his mother Tema. In Treblinka he worked in the deportation yard, and took part of the revolt planning. He recalls that at the start of the revolt: "I was at the workshop refurbishing aluminium utensils. I knew that I was to receive arms at the garage. I ran, in fact, towards the garage but I could not reach it, for the fire from the tank prevented me from getting near. Then I turned around and ran in the direction of the Lazarett towards the second gate." He mentions in his testimony that Armia Krajowa (anti Jewish underground) men met him and his friends in the forest after they escaped and shot at them. During a testimony at the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem. 1961 he relates: "Your Honors: The way in which facts are being presented here, one might come to the conclusion that the 700,000 Treblinka deportees were not gassed by the SS men but all (simply) committed suicide!..." (Donat, p.290) One of few survivors still alive in Israel (2005). Photo: GFH |
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Mother of Kalman Teigman. Born in 1903. Deported together with her son, arrived in Treblinka on 5 September, died the same day. Photo: Kalman Teigman | ![]() |
TOBIAS, Mieczyslaw
No details available. |
TÖLPEL, Moritz
Survivor Glazar relates about him: "Lalka looks around for Tölpel, a little fellow whose bald head may no longer be quite in order. As he’s standing there cringing at attention, his pants hanging rumpled over his crooked legs, Lalka takes his measure. "Yes, you’re the one". A Ukrainian guard manages to dig up an old robe from one of the transports. The SS men, one after the other, add to the costume. Topping off the black robe, which reaches all the way down to his ankles, is a tall rabbi’s hat. The hat is decorated with a shiny half moon, and the small hand, which has probably never been made into a fist, is now wielding a heavy whip. 'A sign will be put on each of the latrines: Two minutes the limit for shitting here. Take any longer, and you’re out on your ear!' Lalka is hardly finished with his rhyme before Bredow hangs a large kitchen clock around the neck of the "Scheiss-Meister" ("Shit-Master"). His mouth hanging half open, the little man in the long black robe listens respectfully as he is given his instructions: "So as soon as someone goes into the latrine, you check your clock, and he’s got to be finished in two minutes. You are now the grand sovereign over everyone and their shit." (Glazar, p.119) |
A Jewish artist from Lublin, born in 1893. Together with other artists he was deported from the Warsaw Ghetto and perished in 1942. Photo: GFH |
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TUCH nee Levie, Clara
Born in 1875. Deported together with her husband Theodor on 19 July 1942 from Hamburg-Volksdorf (Horstloge 35) to Terezin ("Theresienstadt"), then to Treblinka. Source: Astrid Louven, Hamburg |
TUCH, Dr. Theodor
Born in 1865. Deported together with his wife Clara on 19 July 1942 from Hamburg-Volksdorf (Horstloge 35) to Terezin ("Theresienstadt"), then to Treblinka. Source: Astrid Louven, Hamburg |
TUROWSKI, Eugen / Eugeniusz (Genek)
Born in 1914. He was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. He worked in the metal workshop and made a key to the ammunition room. Settled in Israel, passed away meanwhile. Source: Kalman Teigman. |
UNGER, Karl / Karel
Born on 15 April 1921 in Olomucz (Czechoslowakia). Deportation transport AAg (30 June 1942 from Olomouc to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). In October 1942 he was taken to Treblinka in a passenger train, together with his close friend Richard Glazar. He worked in the sorting and camouflage commandos. His parents and his younger brother were killed in Treblinka. Unger participated in the Treblinka uprising and managed to escape. Together with Glazar he made his way across Poland to Czechoslovakia, and from there to Mannheim, Germany, where they worked as gentiles in a German factory. After the war he lived until his death in the USA. |
A Jewish artist who perished in Treblinka. Photo: GFH |
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VOGEL, Hanus / "Honza"
Born on 24 January 1909. Deportation transport Bi (22 September 1942 from Ostrava to Terezin), and Bu (8 October 1942 from Terezin to Treblinka). |
From Kielce. No more details known. |
An Underground member a young man from Warsaw who had been sent to shoot Küttner which shot prematurely started the uprising. |
Jewish author, wrote in Hebrew. In the Warsaw ghetto he wrote his diary. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. He took the diary with himself during the deportation. Source: E. Ringelblum: Kronika getta warszawskiego. Warszawa 1988. |
WARSZAWSKI, Szyja He came to Treblinka in July 1942, told of gassings with chlorine and of at least 10,000 victims a day, and stated with respect to cremation: "...Usually the bodies were put into pits 33 ft. deep and wide and many times as long. In January 1943... five to six gratings were set up on the ground. The grates, which consisted of iron rails, were supported by cement posts about two feet above the ground. A grate like that was 33 ft. long and 13 ft. wide. A fire was started underneath. Bodies were layered on the burning grate with an excavator machine. Once the bodies caught fire they would continue burning by themselves. Mass cremation began in late February 1943. The ashes that remained after the burning were thrown back into the pits where the bodies had been dug out earlier. Sweet-peas were sown over top and trees brought over from the forest were planted to camouflage the site... For some pits only the top layer of bodies was dug out. The rest of the bodies were covered over with soil, and the site was camouflaged as well..." He was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland./div> |
From the Wisznice ghetto. Deported to Treblinka in 1942. Source: USHMM. |
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The same as Lindwasser? |
WEINBERG, Boris (Kazik)
He was deported from Warsaw on 4 September and arrived in Treblinka among the first of the renewed transports. Worked in the "Blue" command for some time. |
He worked in the death camp and was shot by Scharführer Heinrich Matthes while transferring bodies from the gas chambers to the pits, Weintraub had stopped for a moment to drink some water from the well. |
WEINTREUB, Wladislaw
A Jewish artist who was born in Lowicz in 1891, and died in Treblinka in 1942. Photo: GFH |
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Escaped with Krzepicki. |
WIERNIK, Jacob ("Yankl" / "Jankiel")
Born in Biala Podlaska in 1890. In 1904 he joined the Bund (Socialist Jewish organization in Eastern Europe), was arrested and sent to Siberia. After completing a term of service in the Tsarist army he settled in Warsaw, where he became a building contractor. On 23 August 1942 he was deported to Treblinka. Wiernik played a crucial role in the Treblinka uprising being part of the underground in the extermination area. Employed as a carpenter at the camp, he was the only inmate able to maintain contacts between the conspirators in Treblinka’s Camp I and their counterparts in the Totenlager, Camp II. Was one of 13 survivors who gave evidence in 1946 for the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. He eventually settled in Israel, where he, in the early fifties he built a large scaled model of the Treblinka camp which currently is still on display at the Ghetto Fighters Kibbutz. He died in 1972. Photo: GFH |
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Samuel Willenberg's younger sister. She perished in Treblinka. |
From Czestochowa, Opatow. At sixteen, upon the outbreak of war, he volunteered for the army. He was wounded at Chelmno and spent much of the occupation in Opatów. In 1942 he was deported to Treblinka, where he soon became active in the underground that initiated the rebellion. He worked in the sorting yard and camouflage squad. Although wounded during the uprising, he managed to escape into the woods and eventually reached Warsaw. He participated in the general Polish uprising in August 1944, and fought in the ranks of the partisans in the Kampinos woods. After the liberation of Poland he joined the Polish army and served as a captain until 1947. In 1950 he left Poland for Israel, with his wife and mother. Author of "Revolt in Treblinka" and one of few survivors still alive in Israel (2002). Willenberg relates in his book: "A moment later a group of Ukrainians, rifles cocked, came through the gate into the lineup yard. They surrounded the group of prisoners and led them out of the yard with their weapons trained. The look in our eyes bade them a last farewell. We were sure they were being taken to the Lazarett - and to death. Then we saw the group turning right, toward the death camp. That evening in the hut, Galewski told us that they had been taken to the Todeslager as replacements for prisoners who had been shot to death there. Since shooting prisoners to death was standard Todeslager procedure, workers were always scarce." (Willenberg, p.124) Photo: GFH |
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Samuel Willenberg's younger sister. She perished in Treblinka. |
No details available. |
WLOS, Itka
25 years old. Deported from Sokolow Podlaski on 22 September 1942. Together with her family she perished in Treblinka. Source: USHMM |
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From Warsaw. No more details available. |
Strawczynski relates: "Wolowanczyk was a notorious figure in the Warsaw underworld. He was tall and blond, around twenty years old, very strong, energetic, and extremely tough. I once witnessed Lalka dealing with him. As usual he started boxing with him. Wolowanczyk however was so nimble that he managed to avoid every punch. Lalka became very angry, grabbed him by the lapel and tried with all his strength to punch him in the head. The boy flung himself to the ground and Lalka missed his punch, lost his footing and also landed flat on the ground. Lalka’s rage then had no limits. He pelted him with stones and bricks, threw the boy to the ground, and kicked and beat him mercilessly. I was watching the scene from the roof and was convinced that Wolowanczyk had been murdered. But no, he stood up, gave himself a shake and walked off to work as though nothing had happened." (Strawczynski memoirs) Wolowanczyk participated in the revolt. |
?, Yosif
From Stoczek, one of four people working earlier on in the smithy. |
?, Yurek
Kapo of the detachment of the "Reds", responsible in the undresssing barracks. Strawczynski recalls him: "Corrupt and debauched, no deed was too foul for him. He works his whip frequently and with gusto on Jewish heads. As foul and corrupt as he was, his language was even worse." |
ZAGAN, Ephraim
Born in Krakow in 1892. At the outbreak of WW2, he refused to be evacuated from Warsaw like others of his party who moved eastward to the areas under Soviet control, but took it upon himself to represent the party in Warsaw. He was a firm supporter of the Jewish underground, a leader of the Jewish social aid institution ZTOS, and his name appears in all the first reports of the Antifascist Bloc. During the "Great Action" of summer 1942, he was deported (at the end of July or the beginning of August) to the Treblinka extermination camp, where he perished. On 18 April 1945 he was posthumously awarded the Virtuti Militari, Fifth Class, by the Polish army High Command. Photo: GFH |
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ZEIDMAN, Yitzchak
From Czestochowa. Aron Gelberd and the sorting commando team saved him when he arrived at the camp. |
ZEISLER, Gertrude
Austrian Jewess who was deported in 1941 from Vienna to the Kielce Ghetto. In the end of August 1942 she was deported with several thousand Jews from Kielce to Treblinka. After the war her relatives published her letters, sent from the Kielce Ghetto to Switzerland. In the letters she described her life in the ghetto. The book has the title "I did not survive. Letters from Kielce Ghetto". Edited by G. Hoffer. Jerusalem-California 1981. Source: K. Urbanski: Kieleccy Zydzi. Kielce |
From Danzig. Shot after Berliner's attack on Bialas. |
No details available. |
Was the Kapo of the "dentists" in the extermination area. According to Lindwasser a Kapo deserving of commendation. |
Deported from Siedlce. His wife Cypora gave their daughter Rachela to Polish friends who cared for the child so that it survived. Cypora committed suicide in Siedlce. |
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No details available. |
Survived the war, lived in New York, passed away meanwhile. Source: Kalman Teigman. |